FRUCTE LUGUME BUZAU factory has a strict policy regarding quality and quality control, it aims to supply safe and authentic products that permanently satisfy the requirements of our customers, in all aspects: quality, trust, security in the performance of contracts, lack of notices / complaints, delays in delivery, etc.
Achieving the quality objectives proposed by the company are essential to achieve excellence. In the context of the requirements of the legislation, intended to encourage food safety, environmental protection and the reduction of risks for occupational health and safety, our organization is also increasingly concerned with controlling the impact of its own activities on the environment and managing its businesses through strategies that respect and protect the environment and the human factor.
We inform everyone, employees, business partners and customers that S.C. LEGUME FRUCTE BUZAU S.A. is engaged by the Policy in the field of food quality and safety, in several directions/objectives, the most important of which are:
Each employee has a duty to act appropriately to satisfy these requirements and for the continuous improvement of SMCSA.
Within our organization, discrimination related to age, religion, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, social category, persons with disabilities born or acquired or other personal discriminations are not allowed.
The management at the highest level declares its commitment to satisfy customer requirements, responsibility for the environment, sustainability, ethics and responsibility of employees, safety, quality, legality and authenticity of products, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, as well as the requirements imposed by IFS FOOD VS. 8, ensuring the effectiveness of SMCSA and the availability of resources.